
Price: chf 140.00
Retail Price (new): chf 620.00
All taxes included - shipping from Switzerland
Secure payment via our trusted account: Payment only after receipt.
Product condition: B
Used several time with signs of wear due to regular use or age



  • Color: Blanc
  • Width: 32 cm
  • Height: 29 cm
  • Depth: 19 cm
  • Primary material: Cuir

About the seller:

From Versoix Mies

Member since April 2011

58 items . 309 items sold

Public Discussion with Seller:

08.06.18 15:22:59
Est ce que le sac est tâché? Merci
Virginie Birdy - seller
18.06.18 14:06:57
Bonjour Sandrine désolée pour ma réponse tardive j’étais absente le sac est en très bon état il y a quelques Tracey mais pas grand chose j’ai remis 3 photos en plus vous pourrez zoomer cordialement Virginie

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