LongchampReversible Handbag

Price: chf 130.00
All taxes included - shipping from Switzerland
Secure payment via our trusted account: Payment only after receipt.
Product condition: B
Used several time with signs of wear due to regular use or age


Can be worn black or pale pink.
A few traces of wear (pen) on the pink side if not in excellent condition.


  • Color: Noir / rose pâle
  • Width: 35 cm
  • Height: 25 cm
  • Depth: 12 cm
  • Primary material: Cuir

About the seller:

From Yverdon-les-Bains/Vaud

Member since December 2017

0 items . 7 items sold

Public Discussion with Seller:

22.02.19 14:18:27
Bonjour, Je ne vois qu un trait stylo sur le côté rose , c est juste ou autres marques ? C est plutôt le côté rose qui m intéresse
Yel_29 - seller
22.02.19 15:15:31
Bonjour, Je vous fais volontiers des photos plus parlantes ce soir si cela vous convient?
22.02.19 16:51:18
Super ! Merci
22.02.19 16:51:20
Super ! Merci
22.02.19 16:51:21
Super ! Merci
22.02.19 16:51:22
Super ! Merci

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